Friday, November 29, 2024


    This bamboo circular needle is definitely a better needle.

    I ordered a 16", No. 6 Takumi Clover needle from Yarn Barn in Lawrence. Bamboo, which means the color will be a neutral ecru. The pale color will be a very helpful contrast to darker yarns. It's difficult to distinguish the stitches if the yarn and the needle are a close match.

    The needle points are the sharpest I've ever seen in a non-metal needle, which really seems to speed up the whole process. Something unexpected was the swivel cord. The cord and the stiff needles connect very smoothly, and the cord swivels at that joint.

    These may become my favorite needle.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

KITH 2026

     Planning is already well underway for KITH (Knitting in the Heartland). Sunflowers Knitters Association (formerly Guild) is close to announcing the place and the dates (quite likely in late April).

    And the keynote knitters. We always have spectacular knitters to lead the workshops. Plus, there are many opportunities just to sit, and knit, and chat with other knitters. Food and drink in the hospitality room.

    If you don't go home inspired with a half-dozen new projects that you want to make, you haven't been paying attention.

Thursday, November 7, 2024


     As knitters get older, they gradually quit knitting with black yarns, or yarns in darker colors. At some point dark yarns require full sunlight.

    But trying to knit up some of my stash has led me to a different conclusion. Dark yarns are best worked on light colored needles, which provide a good contrast. If I didn't have enough of one color of yarn for a complete cap, I've combined two colors. Begin the brim with one color for about three inches, then start the second color and alternate rows until reaching the end of the first color. Continue with the second color continuously to finish the top of the cap. Of course by then I have to resort to the dreaded double points, but I'm gradually becoming more adept.

    The current project is a combination of brown and an almost-black grey. Not making rapid progress. Several rows later I discovered a strange hole. Spent the entire afternoon unknitting, a tedious, unrewarding activity. Brown and subtle almost-black is making a very striking combination and the cap will be a stunning piece of headwear -- if I can ever finish the unknitting back to the problem, and begin making forward progress again.