Recovering, as best as can be expected, from squamous cell carcinoma surgery on my right eyebrow. My right eye, contrary to what Micah told me, is red, not black. An ugly red. Scrounged around for a pair of sunglasses, to shield the painful site from the view of others.
My eyesight recovered. Well, my eyesight was not truly involved, except that my swollen eyelid did somewhat interfere with my vision. Went to the "we have everything you actually need" store for scarf yarn and cauliflower. It's hard for me to understand that totally white cauliflower can actually have any nutritional value. But I digress.
Grabbed the only skein of red yarn in the bin. A large skein. Verified that indeed the tail end from inside the skein was hanging out of the end so I could be assured of pulling the working yarn from inside the skein. Not until I was outside in harsh daylight did I realize I had picked up a skein not red -- cherry red, to be precise -- but burgundy. It will be very difficult to mix left-over burgundy with other left-over yarns.
This is a large skein -- can I possibly knit two scarves, leaving no left-over stash? Can I knit the first scarf to the minimum length, pulling from the inside, put the last row on a holder, begin a second scarf, taking yarn from the outside, and knit until the second equals the first, and then divide the remaining yarn between both scarves?
If it doesn't work, will I ever be willing to admit it?