Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My 'Other Blog"

This is my 'other blog." Not getting much knitting done, too busy oscillating between home and Joplin. Recovery is slow. In the first days after the May 22 tornado, the view of rubble wherever one turned was overwhelming. Then people began moving the rubble into piles at the curbing, and that view of what had been most peope's most treasured possession, their homes, was equally distressing. Now, in late September, there are scattered signs of rebuilding, but mostly the ground is cleared, and the view is still disheartening -- one can see so far in all directions that an entire one-third of the city has been wiped clean.

My daughter tells me that the Empire Power Company were immediate and heroic in restoring power to the 'other' hospital, but it took three days to return to normal water pressure. In the meantime, volunteers trod the hallways with bucket brigades to maintain the bathrooms with minimum functionality. The ER and OR sent instruments to a sister hospital in Neosho to be sterilized. Three days ! ! !

The 'other hospital'? I guess that's the new name for Freeman. All the media talked about the destruction of St. John's, but seldom referred to Freeman by name.